Spatial conservation planning with Marxan.
Marxan is a suite of open-source decision-support tools that help structure, design and evaluate spatial planning projects for land, freshwater and ocean conservation. Marxan helps decision-making by balancing objectives such as protecting biodiversity and the benefits it provides to people, with socio-economic, cultural and political realities. As the analytic engine behind major planning projects, such as the Great Barrier Reef’s Rezoning Plan and Mongolia’s National Protected Area portfolio, Marxan leads the world in providing robust and flexible systematic decision-support to governments, practitioners and planners around the world.
What can I do with this Marxan planning platform?

Design and evaluate conservation and zoning plans.
Integrate, host and share existing Marxan projects.
Collaborate and manage projects with your teams, stakeholders and decision-makers.
Compare and map scenarios across projects.
Access and store key spatial data sets.
Conduct gap analyses.
Centralize management and planning portfolios.
Understand trade-offs between different objectives.
Download reports.
Our Values
Better solutions
Better decisions.
To truly realize a sustainable future, we need inclusive and revolutionary solutions to the most pressing conservation challenges. Marxan, the world’s leading conservation planning tool, can help fundamentally change how decision-makers use technology for conservation. Our goal is to ensure that anyone, anywhere can access data, collaborate, and implement actionable spatial plans to support biodiversity, economic growth and climate adaptation and mitigation for the next decade of conservation planning.
02. Collaborative
We partner with organizations, companies and institutions who share our commitment to advance biodiversity and sustainability through conservation technology.
Contact us to discuss partnerships03. Inclusive
We are dedicated to developing technical capacity and expertise in Marxan around the world.
Explore trainings04. Community-led
Marxan supports a global community of over 6000 users in 100 countries who help us advance our software and tools, train and support new users, and integrate Marxan into planning processes that deliver outcomes on the ground.
Know moreReach out with comments or suggestions.
Contact UsJoin the Google Marxan group discussion forum.
Marxan’s social media and google group is moderated by a vibrant community of practice and not by TNC or partners of the Marxan Planning Platform.
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